


ISO 9001:2015

OHSAS 45001:2018

Pragathi Labs is one of the Best Air Testing Labs in India.

We are a NABL, NABET, MoEFCC, certified laboratory in India. We are an Air Testing Labs with 24 years of experience.

We are offering quality analytical services to our customers.


Temperature, Wind Direction,Wind Speed, Rainfall, Relative Humidity, Solar radiation.

Air Quality

1. Ambient
Particulate Matter

Dust fall, SPM, PM10, PM 2.5, SO2, NOx, Hydrocarbons, CO, O3, H2S, Benzene Compounds, PAHs, CS2, Cl2F2, Mercaptans, Ethyl and Methyl hydrocarbons,Heavy metals &VOC’s. Air Quality modeling (Aermod, IST3)

Gaseous Matter

SO2, NOx, Hydrocarbons, CO, O3, H2S, Benzene Compounds, PAHs, CS2, Cl2F2, Mercaptans (Ethyl and Methyl).

2. Work place
Particulate Matter

Dust fall, Fine Particles, SPM, PM10, PM2.5, Heavy metal &VOC’s analysis.

3. Stack
Particulate Matter

Flue gas Velocity, Temperature, O2, SO2, NOx, HC, CO, H2S, Benzene Compounds, CS2, VOC’s, Heavy metals, TSP, efficiency of pollution control equipment, Dioxins, Furan, Mercaptans etc.

4. Indoor Monitoring Parameters
  • Temperature, Relative Humidity, Illumination (light intensity), Air flow (Air movements & Ventilation).
  • Particle concentration, Carbon monoxide,Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, Formaldehyde,SO2, NOx, VOC, Asbestos, Free Silica.
  • Biologicals, Total bacterial count, pollen, fungi and mold.
5. Heavy Vehicular Emissions:

Smoke Density, Particulate Matter.

Air Emissions


Velocity, Temperature, O2, SO2, NOx, HC, CO, H2S, Benzene Compounds, CS2, VOC’s, Heavy metals, TSP, Flue gas, efficiency of pollution control equipment etc.

2. Process
Particulate Matter

Dust fall, SPM, PM10, PM 2.5, Benzene Compounds, PAHs, CS2, Cl2, F2, VOC’s.

3. Fugitive

SPM, PM10, SO2, NOx. VOC’s

Vehicular Emissions:

Smoke Density, PM, CO, Hydrocarbons.